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ALPSTEINER energeto PASSIVE ® Windows are made ​​of high-quality profiles energeto ® 8000 ALUPLAST renowned German manufacturer, which since its launch of the best in its class. This system is remarkable thermal properties (internal bond), as well as replacing steel reinforcement with fiberglass reinforced bulkheads assembled by gluing insulating double or triple in the wings.

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External and internal window sills

Internal DTD worktop

DTD EGGER vlhkuodolné window sills are made ​​entirely of plywood labeled V100. For easy control over this parameter selects manufacturers discoloration of the finished panels in red, green and very rarely neprobarveny remain in a natural color. To check, but always ask a DTD V100 for confirmation from the manufacturer of window sills, which is in fact. Surfactants are sill covered with decorative laminate CPL, both from above., The upper side and from below This is a great advantage, especially against a mere paper in a humid environment, thanks to its use are window sills. Reversible for longer use fiberglass to provide maximum protection against deformation by internal tensions there in the product during its life. To provide end threshold on the inner edge of the iron either in color or pattern PVC plastic cap of 600 mm.

Internal PVC windowsill board Argona

For the production of PVC window sills argon is used only recycled components. The starting material for the production of window profiles. The surface is covered with decorative laminate CPL foil. Only under these assumptions can produce sill observed high level of mechanical properties of this technology. In another case, the influence of the location sill was not possible, the mechanical properties of materials and product. Threshold for end inside plastic PVC cap with a length of 600 mm. The surface is provided mechanical damage to the plastic film.

Interne PVC Fensterbrett XFOL

For the production of PVC window sills XFOL exclusively uses recycled components. The starting material for the production of window profiles. The surface is coated with PVC. Only under these assumptions can produce sill observed high level of mechanical properties of this technology. In another case, the influence of the location sill was not possible, the mechanical properties of materials and product. Threshold for end inside plastic PVC cap with a length of 600 mm. The surface is placed a mechanical damage to the plastic film.

Internal PVC windowsill VARIANT

For the production of PVC window sills VARIANT exclusively uses recycled components. The starting material for the production of window profiles. The surface is coated with PVC film of your choice or Hornschuch renolit sampler. Only under these assumptions can produce sill observed high level of mechanical properties of this technology. In another case, the influence of the location sill was not possible, the mechanical properties of materials and product. Threshold for end inside plastic PVC cap with a length of 600 mm. The surface is placed a mechanical damage to the plastic film

Outdoor extruded aluminum sill

Can withstand delivery extruded aluminum window sills outside all the requirements placed on this product. As starting material for the production of the alloy AlMgSi5 used. After punching through the material form the basic work surface is cooled and treated with either anodized or baked enamel. The modified sill is then ready for the harshest weather conditions. For the perfect “drop-in” on the facades of the buildings there are different caps, connectors and fasteners. The surface is provided mechanical damage to the plastic film. If necessary, the approval of window sills, and other than basic shapes can be added to it in blue or red. There are of course a number of RAL.

Outer curved aluminum door sill plates

Bent aluminum door sill plates very attractive alternative is economically the sill, the fully replaced fueled not only aesthetically, but it is also very good replacement for mechanical properties, although it is evident that the parameters drawn below the window sill. The basis for the production of this threshold, a modified powder-coated aluminum sheets (AIMg3 alloy) thickness min was used. 0.8 mm – 1.0 mm. Accessories are as drawn in the sill. If necessary, the approval of window sills, and other than basic shapes can be added to it in blue or red. There are of course a number of RAL.

External curved parapet made ​​of galvanized steel

Bent steel sill is the most economically attractive alternative to aluminum railings. Basis is used for the production of this threshold, mutually galvanically treated steel sheet having a thickness of min. 0.6 mm with blue galvanized 300g / m 2 Příslušensví is used exclusively in the gray / silver color and is the same as the aluminum window sills.